Document will PRINT PREVIEW but only prints blanki pages



Very strange situation today. Someone has a document in Word 2004 where they
can see it on Print Preview but it will only print blank pages.

We are running MAC OSX and Office 2004.

When I took the same document to a PC it worked fine.

Any ideas? Has anyone ever seen this before?


John McGhie

Hi Robo:

Yeah, I have seen that a few times.

It's usually the wrong printer driver. Check carefully to see which driver
is in use for the printer on the Mac.

Also: Do a File>Print... From the Word menu and tell me what you see in the
"Print what..." box. (It's in the "Microsoft Word" settings of the third
drop-down list :))


Very strange situation today. Someone has a document in Word 2004 where they
can see it on Print Preview but it will only print blank pages.

We are running MAC OSX and Office 2004.

When I took the same document to a PC it worked fine.

Any ideas? Has anyone ever seen this before?


Don't wait for your answer, click here:

Please reply in the group. Please do NOT email me unless I ask you to.

John McGhie, Consultant Technical Writer
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Nhulunbuy, NT, Australia. S12.22.1918,E136.99.5392
+61 4 1209 1410, mailto:[email protected]


I will check on the driver. The problem is only in this document. All of the
other documents print fine.

When I go to File>PRINT -- my third drop down box says COPIES and PAGES.
These are printing options.

One interesting thing as well about File>PRINT is nothing shows in my QUICK
PREVIEW. It says 0 of 0 pages. (this would print blank pages)

If I choose CURRENT PAGE It will print that page?


John McGhie

Sounds to me like the Normal style has been set to "Hidden" font :)

That will "Display" the entire document and "print" nothing!

It's an old trick we play on MVPs to see if they are awake at festive
occasions :)

I will check on the driver. The problem is only in this document. All of the
other documents print fine.

When I go to File>PRINT -- my third drop down box says COPIES and PAGES.
These are printing options.

One interesting thing as well about File>PRINT is nothing shows in my QUICK
PREVIEW. It says 0 of 0 pages. (this would print blank pages)

If I choose CURRENT PAGE It will print that page?


Don't wait for your answer, click here:

Please reply in the group. Please do NOT email me unless I ask you to.

John McGhie, Consultant Technical Writer
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Nhulunbuy, NT, Australia. S12.22.1918,E136.99.5392
+61 4 1209 1410, mailto:[email protected]


Did I do this right? I went and Modified my normal style. Under Font Hidden
is not checked off. You may recall I mentioned I could take the document to a
PC and it printed fine.

Please let me know your thoughts

Thanks for all your help!


Just a shot in the dark - Is the content of the doc in text boxes by any
chance? If so you need to have the box checked in Print Preferences for
Drawing Objects... But if that check is cleared the content shouldn't be
visible in Print Preview, either‽‽‽ I also can't understand why it would
display in Print Preview but not show in the Quick Preview or print.

Two other thoughts;

1- the fact that it prints from another computer tells you nothing as far as
the driver on the Mac where it *doesn't* print - even if the two computers
are printing to the same printer each one has its own copy of the printer
driver.... FWIW, I still agree with John's original assessment of the
driver being at fault, and

2- The printer's out of ink or broken :) Does Happen:)

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac


Once again thanks for trying. No luck yet on my end.

I discovered this document started on a Mac. Track changes were run on a PC
and the document was sent back to the Mac. Could this be a problem?

My tech DEPT tells me they think the drivers are fine. The document was
tested on 3 different Mac's and did not print on any.

Could John or yourself tell me how to turn off Hiddent text. I mentioned in
my last post where I went and hidden was not turned on.



Well, you're certainly welcome to chase the Hidden ghost if you wish, but
keep in mind that Hidden is a font formatting attribute & as such travels
with the doc - just like bold, italic, color, etc. So, if the text is
formatted as Hidden on a Mac it will be formatted as Hidden on a PC... or
another Mac... or another PC.

You can try Command+A to select all, go to Format> Font & see if a check
appears in the Hidden box. If not, there is no Hidden text. If there is a
gray check there is *some* text formatted as Hidden so remove the check
(probably 2 clicks). In order for all text to be Hidden (you are saying
*nothing* prints, right?), however, you'd find that there is a black check
in that same box. If that were the case, though, all text would display a
purple dotted underline when ¶s are displayed.

Or, You can go into Print Prefs & tick the checkbox to Print Hidden Text.
But I don't think either will make any difference.

No disrespect for your "tech DEPT" but what they "think" is irrelevant:)
Has anyone bothered to go to the support site for the printer mfr to *see*
if updated drivers are available? [I *think* I'm perfectly sane, but proving
it in a court of law might be somewhat of a challenge:)]. Many changes have
taken place in both OS X and Office & print problems are normally introduced
because most peole don't think about updating driver software accordingly.
Some time ago a printer I bought wouldn't work when installed and after
several days of troubleshooting, cussing & threatening the supplier I found
that the driver had been updated *twice* since the printer had been
manufactured & shipped into the pipeline.

Track Changes "could" be involved, but not likely. It's hard to guess
without seeing the doc itself, but as already stated, if the problem were
with the doc there would not be any content displayed in Print Preview - if
Print Preview displays it, the printer should print it because Print Preview
is generated by the Print Driver.

John McGhie

If it's not checked, it IS off, and it wasn't that.

The only other thing I can think of is a "Maggie"...

1) Create a new blank document

2) Carefully copy all EXCEPT the last paragraph mark

3) Paste into the new document and save and close.

Now try.... Any better?

That rebuilds the internal structure of the document...


Once again thanks for trying. No luck yet on my end.

I discovered this document started on a Mac. Track changes were run on a PC
and the document was sent back to the Mac. Could this be a problem?

My tech DEPT tells me they think the drivers are fine. The document was
tested on 3 different Mac's and did not print on any.

Could John or yourself tell me how to turn off Hiddent text. I mentioned in
my last post where I went and hidden was not turned on.


Don't wait for your answer, click here:

Please reply in the group. Please do NOT email me unless I ask you to.

John McGhie, Consultant Technical Writer
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Nhulunbuy, NT, Australia. S12.22.1918,E136.99.5392
+61 4 1209 1410, mailto:[email protected]


That appears to have done it! Why do you call it Maggie?

Thanks guys. You have been really helpful.


Clive Huggan

Maggie Siccara, from the Word (PC) mailing list, discovered it as a way
to force Word to rebuild a corrupt file.


Clive Huggan

That appears to have done it! Why do you call it Maggie?

Clive Huggan

And although "do a Maggie" is not exactly an intuitive term, some think it's
better than "transfer the content to a new blank document leaving behind the
corruption harboured in the invisible file instructions that reside after
the final paragraph mark"... ;-)


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