Thanks Doug, it appears that I missed a subtle difference
The Help for "Open" states;
"If the event procedure is stored in a template, the procedure will run
when a new document based on that template is *opened* and *when the
template itself is opened as a document.*"
"New" states that "Occurs when a new document based on the template is
*created*. A procedure for the New event will run only if it is stored
in a template."
Therefore, if I want it to fire both when I open it as a template and
when I create/open it as a document I need both events in the template.
I'm not sure why this distinction is there, which means I'm missing
The reason for the event is that I want to ensure that certain options
are set when a document is created/opened.
I save the user's settings on an open, set them to what the document
needs and restore them on a close (i.e.. "clean up after myself" - I
hate it when an app resets my settings and leaves them that way).
For development purposes I also want to do the same thing if it's opened
as a template.
So it appears I have to duplicate my code under a "New" and "Open" sub
Again, thank you.