Documentation for Jet SQL?


Dean Dei Cas

I am looking for a Jet SQL reference document. Does any
on have an suggestions?

Background: I have just arrived at a client who is using
Access 7.00. It is my understanding that when using
Access's "native" database one is using "Jet". True? As
yet I have not been able to find an "SQL Reference" for
Jet similar to the SQL reference documents that I've used
from Oracle, Sybase, etc. Where would I find such a

I have the O'Reilly "Access Database, Design & Programmng
which is useful but not an SQL reference

Tim Carley

If you have M$ Access installed on your machine
DriveLetter:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\1033\JETSQL40.CHM

Dean Dei Cas

Thanks you. Your answer solved my problem. Now I'm just
going to have to get used to the difference between Access
and "normal" SQL.

david epsom dot com dot au

yet I have not been able to find an "SQL Reference" for
Jet similar to the SQL reference documents that I've used

Access 7 (Jet 3) only supports 'old' SQL.
Access 9+ (Jet 4) ALSO supports an ANSI 92 syntax


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