Documentation on the "DropDown" object


Robert Stober


I'm using the "DropDown" object based on it's usage in "Excel 2002 VBA
Programmers Reference" page 208. The text states that this is a hidden
member of the Excel object model. So can anyone point me to some *secret*
documentation on it? I need to know how to remove items from the DropDown
box. The text shows how to add, and just a couple of other
properties/methods. I'd like to know more...

Thank you,

Robert Stober

Robert Stober

Okay, I found almost everything I need in the object browser (after showing
hidden items) and by trial and error, but I still need to know how to cause
one of the list items to be selected (showing in the box as soon as it's
drawn) by default.

I want the box to read "Select". Right now it's just blank, although
clicking on the control shows the itms in the list. I want to make it more

Thank you,

Robert Stober

Tom Ogilvy

Activesheet.Dropdowns("Drop Down 1").Value = 1

if Select is the first item in the list.

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