DocumentProperty of .csv file is Nothing


Peter Ostermann

Hi folks,
for to load a .csv file into a worksheet just and only
when it was changed before, I need the date and
time when change happened.

For to find out which property-item contains the data I need,
I used this routine:

Dim x, y
Dim p As DocumentProperty

For Each p In ActiveWorkbook.CustomDocumentProperties
x = p.Name
y = p.Value

It doesn't work because p contains "Nothing". Any hints
available how I can "set" p? Getting it pointing - to the
right place?

Peter Ostermann


Hi Peter,
I think the csv file is a text file which cannot store the properties like
..xls files can.
Hence you get p pointing to nothing.


As Alok pointed out, these properties are not available to text files, only
file types that support OLE storage.
You would have to store additional data in the actual file as data or read
the standard Windows file info; LastModifieddate etc..

Which properties do you require ?


Peter Ostermann

Hi NickHK, hi Alok,

..... got it functionating. See code below.

NickHK said:
As Alok pointed out, these properties are not available to text files,
file types that support OLE storage.
You would have to store additional data in the actual file as data or read
the standard Windows file info; LastModifieddate etc..

Which properties do you require ?


Private Function lastModified(path) As String
Dim objFSO As Object
Dim objFile As Object

Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFile = objFSO.GetFile(path)

lastModified = objFile.DateLastModified
End Function

Thanks to both of you for feedback.

Best Regards
Peter Ostermann

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