documents very slow to open in excel 2007


Chris W

Can anyone help. I've upgraded to Office 2007 and Excel documents are very
slow to open taking about 60 seconds. I've tried converting to the new format
using Save As and I've tried creating a brand new spreadsheet but all take
the same time.

Chris W

Perfect! Thanks very much. Incedentally, you can achieve the same by adding
the "%1" at the end of the Application dialogue and then just un-tick "Use
It also needs to be done for the CSV extension as well as the new XL
extensions like XLSX, etc.

Martin von Gagern

Chris said:
Perfect! Thanks very much. Incedentally, you can achieve the same by adding
the "%1" at the end of the Application dialogue and then just un-tick "Use

I tried this as well, works well enough for one single document, but
when opening multiple documents this way, especially if they are based
on the same template, I get an error message because of some locking
issues or some such. Even without this, it would probably result in
multiple Excel processes running, which is overhead I'd like to avoid.
It also needs to be done for the CSV extension as well as the new XL
extensions like XLSX, etc.

Oh! I'm surprised, because in Regedit the changes seemed not associated
with a single extension but instead with the whole application. But if
you say so I believe it, as I don't wish to boot my Windows just to
check. ;-)



For Excel 2007 it was slow to open speadsheets from Explorer so I implemented
Martin's solution of replacing /e with "%1" and that worked for me.

However the problem re-surfaced after we applied Office SP1, and setting it
back to "%1" does not resolve the issue, in fact that now causes several
popup errors (blah blah could not be found) and doesn't open the document.
This is when a XLSX is opened that was an attachment to an Outlook email.
It's affecting multiple users.

Also, a variation to the issue now that we are on SP1 is that it won't open
attached XLSX files from Outlook, it opens Excel but never opens the
spreadsheet, even if you minimize Excel which was one of the tricks in 2007
(without SP1).

Any ideas? Thanks!


Martin the solution worked for me in Excel 2007 but now we have Excel 2007
SP1 and it doesn't work...does anyone have a fix like this for SP1??


Sorry Martin your "fix" doesn't work for me. here is my situation
Current performance of Excel 2007 under WinXP 2GB Ram 1.8Ghz cpu
vs Excel 2003 under Vista 2GB ram 1.8 Ghz cpu
In both cases I had the file on my desktop and no other programs were running
Open the file by dble click
Excel 07 22 sec
Excel 03 11 sec including click on warning to enable macros
Change the value of a single cell to 566
Worksheet FID IRS
Cell G12
Excel 03 <1 sec
Excel 07 Gave up after two minutes.
Attempted to close Excell which caused crash of program

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