Am Thu, 26 Oct 2006 23:43:02 UTC, schrieb Compass Rose
2) Why is ScreenUpdating turned off during the process?
Otherwise you would see a constant flicker of all 50 newly created
documents on the screen as they are created and saved.
Thanks to Greg Maxey for making me aware of that ... I was looking
for that for a current project without knowing about it...
If using it, one might consider to change System.Cursor =
wdCursorWait, and storing the previous cursor form in a variable and
restoring this at the end of the procedure:
Dim previousCursor As Long
previousCursor = System.Cursor
System.Cursor = wdCursorWait
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
' do something taking long time
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
System.Cursor = previousCursor
3) How could the code be modified to read all of the documents in a
particular folder, perform the operation on all the files in that folder (one
at a time, of course)and then save them to the newly created folder using the
same file name?
using the FSO, er, the FileSystemObject
Dim fso, sourceFolder, destinationFolder, myTemplate, templateFiles
As Object
Dim newDocument As Document
Dim newPath As String
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set sourceFolder = fso.GetFolder(some_String_with_the_Path)
If NOT fso.FolderExists(some_String_with_destination_Path)
Set destinationFolder = _
Set destinationFolder = _
End If
newPath = destinationFolder.Path
Set templateFiles = sourceFolder.Files
For Each myTemplate IN templateFiles
IF UCase(fso.GetExtensionName(myTemplate.Path)) = "DOT" _
OR myTemplate.Type = "Word Template" Then
Application.Documents.Add _
Template := myTemplate.Path & myTemplate.Name
' not sure, if the Path property does not already
' contain the full name
newDocument = ActiveDocument
newDocument.BuiltInDocumentProperties(wdPropertyTitle) _
= newProjectName _
& " " & newDocument.BuiltInProperties(wdPropertyTitle)
' add more BuiltInDocumentProperties, CustomDocumentProperties,
' or Variables as needed
newDocument.SaveAs FileName := newPath _
& fso.GetBaseName(myTemplate.Name) & ".doc" _
, FileFormat := wdFormatDocument _
, AddToRecentFiles := False ' maybe...
End If
Next aFile
' -----------------------
Just typed, not compiled or tested.
Check out the meaning of "Path" and "Name" in the FSO (btw, I think
that there is some "FullName" property of a file).
Have fun,