Is there a function or a group of nested functions I can enter that tells me
that a cell on the same row contains a formula or a value. Actuall I want to
know if it contains a formula. A value is OK.
The user (usually me) is supposed to convert the column of formulas to
values before continuing. I have had to go back and redo this so many times
because I forgot to make the change before continuing. This is a often
repeaded task and the column always has a different row count, but it's
always the same column.
I know I could write a function macro or use conditional foramting to color
the cell, but I was wanting something that returned Ture or False which I
would convert to 0 or 1 and which I would sum and if it is >0 a message would
show at the top.
that a cell on the same row contains a formula or a value. Actuall I want to
know if it contains a formula. A value is OK.
The user (usually me) is supposed to convert the column of formulas to
values before continuing. I have had to go back and redo this so many times
because I forgot to make the change before continuing. This is a often
repeaded task and the column always has a different row count, but it's
always the same column.
I know I could write a function macro or use conditional foramting to color
the cell, but I was wanting something that returned Ture or False which I
would convert to 0 or 1 and which I would sum and if it is >0 a message would
show at the top.