# does a comprehensive guide to making a corporate template in PPTfor mac exist ????



Not just the basics - more thorough guidance to designing a corporate

I am creating a template for the company I work in and I can find
basic info but
not a regular tangible guide that does not only scratch the surface.

I have found the default settings for shape line and text but
- where are the default settings for tables and charts?

- where can I check how copied slides react
(right now all text appears with bullets - and I have double checked
all text boxes in master / no bullets and no bullet formatting)?
- How can I make text Or slides that are copied into the presentation
change to the default text settings?

I keep wondering why these functions are not collected in one place
like the Theme Builder but in the app

(I will not go in to the frustration I am facing as a graphic designer
- trying to solve this
How can this be so complex and not intuitive at all
Even the windows Theme Builder is not logic)

Hope someone can help

Nanna / Copenhagen, Denmark

Jim Gordon MVP

Not just the basics - more thorough guidance to designing a corporate

I am creating a template for the company I work in and I can find
basic info but
not a regular tangible guide that does not only scratch the surface.

I have found the default settings for shape line and text but
- where are the default settings for tables and charts?

- where can I check how copied slides react
(right now all text appears with bullets - and I have double checked
all text boxes in master / no bullets and no bullet formatting)?
- How can I make text Or slides that are copied into the presentation
change to the default text settings?

I keep wondering why these functions are not collected in one place
like the Theme Builder but in the app

(I will not go in to the frustration I am facing as a graphic designer
- trying to solve this
How can this be so complex and not intuitive at all
Even the windows Theme Builder is not logic)

Hope someone can help

Nanna / Copenhagen, Denmark

Hi Nanna,

Please fill us in on what version of PowerPoint you are using. It makes
a difference in the answer.



Jim Gordon

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Hi Jim

PowerPoint 2008 for mac
(version 12.1.3)
- all 50 employees have PPT 2008 for Mac


Jim Gordon MVP

Jim Gordon MVP wrote in line in response to Nanna:
Default theme Tables:

Default Chart Theme:

If you copy a slide in Slide Sorter view, the pasted slide should be
identical to the one that was copied.

Open a blank presentation.
On the formatting palette, in the Document Theme section, click the Save
Theme button and give it a name.

You can always apply that theme later on.

I'm not familiar with Theme Builder.

Office 2008 gives you a great deal of flexibility. Themes you save
become part of the Project Gallery and the Elements Gallery.

You can save an entire presentation with all your desired formats as a
template (File > Save As > choose type: PowerPoint Template (.potx). If
you save it in My Templates, then you will find it in the Project
Gallery under My Templates and it's always there waiting for you to use
as a template for new presentations.

Themes are now Office-Wide, so when you save a theme you can use it in
Word and Excel, too.

Some of this is new in PowerPoint 2008, so not everyone has had a chance
to explore it yet.
Hi Nanna,

Please fill us in on what version of PowerPoint you are using. It makes
a difference in the answer.



Jim Gordon

The number of new Mac users has skyrocketed. That’s excellent. In this
forum all answers come from other users, not from Microsoft employees.
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If you see an answer that might be wrong or that you can answer better,
hop right in and offer your thoughts. Don’t berate a wrong answer –
we’re all here trying to help each other.

Don’t bother with questions you’re not quite sure about or don’t know about.

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