Does anyone have a configurator for quotes


Paul C

I am wanting to develop a configurator to make quoting easier. There are a
number of them around but I just need a simple one to start off with. I am
not sure if it should be done in Excel or Access.
it needs to have drop down boxes for different products with links to other
items that will make up a kit set.
A very basic example would be to install an electrical power point.
power point (single or double)
Cable (amount in metres)
Mounting block (automatically allocated per point)
Labour (automatically allocated per single or dual)
Miscellaneous items (added manually)
Travel costs (automatically allocated)
Sundry items (automatically allocated)

If someone has something of this nature already available or if someone can
get me started I would be grateful.



Hi Pau

We have a product designed for the situation you describe, although it
built on SQL / MSDE if that suits.

In short its a very cost effective product configurator with a CR
application built around it. It is also possible to seamlessly embe
the product into existing CRM systems / ERP systems

Our website has a little more info and if you thin
we could help let me know


Blue Zebra Associate

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