does anyone help me for this query??



I want to have an insert statement, after this insert statement, I want to
get back the return value of the primary key ar??
I don't want to requery the select statement, any method I can do that??

Allen Browne

Jet doesn't provide that information back to you.

You can use the AddNew method (DAO), to get the new p.k. value:

With rs
!SomeField = SomeValue
!AnotherField = AnotherValue

'Make the new record the current one.
.Bookmark = .LastModified
MsgBox "The new ID value is " & !ID
End With



Allen Browne said:
Jet doesn't provide that information back to you.

You can use the AddNew method (DAO), to get the new p.k. value:

With rs
!SomeField = SomeValue
!AnotherField = AnotherValue

'Make the new record the current one.
.Bookmark = .LastModified
MsgBox "The new ID value is " & !ID
End With


this method works for me.

Private Function Process_Db_Command(StrSQlCommand As String)
On Error GoTo Unable_To_Process

Dim ConDB As Connection
Dim ConRS As ADODB.Recordset

Set ConDB = New Connection
ConDB.CursorLocation = adUseServer
ConDB.Open modStartUp.GlobalData.Get_SQL_Provider & App.Path &

Set ConRS = New Recordset

ConRS.Open StrSQlCommand, ConDB, adOpenStatic, adLockPessimistic


ConDB.Execute StrSQlCommand

If Left(StrSQlCommand, 6) = "SELECT" _
or left(StrSQLCommand,6) = "INSERT" Then
strPassName = ConRS.Fields("RecipientName").Value
strPassLetter = ConRS.Fields("LetterFileSent").Value
If IsNull(ConRS.Fields("CurrentStatus").Value) = True Then
ConRS.Fields("CurrentStatus").Value = 0
End If
dblPassCount = ConRS.Fields("CurrentStatus").Value
End If

ConRS.UpdateBatch adAffectAllChapters


Set ConRS = Nothing
Set ConDB = Nothing

Process_Db_Command = 0

Exit Function

Joan Wild

Hi Allen,
The new ID is available as soon as you use .AddNew. At least it's always
worked for me.

With rs
msgbox "The new ID value is " & !ID
!SomeField = SomeValue
!AnotherField = AnotherValue
End With

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