Does anyone know how to prevent reviewing in finalized documents?



We have a problem with turning off reviewing in documents that have been
finalized. This is particularly sensitive when we submit documents
electronically to clients, and can't be sure that the changes won't be
visible. This is occurring in all documents, whether or not they are emailed
for review, or as attachments. Protecting the document is not always an
option. It is very annoying to go back to a document that was finalized only
to see all the changes and comments revealed after being rejected or
accepted. We have tried setting the security option in Tools to hide the
markups on opening or saving files, but it doesn't always work. We are
looking for a solution to this propblem.

Charles Kenyon

You need to (1) accept all changes, and (2) turn off track changes. What you
describe is turning off the viewing of the changes (which the recipient can
then turn back on).
Better yet, print the document as a .pdf file and send that. The only reason
to send a Word document is if you want the recipient to edit it and send it
back to you.
Charles Kenyon

Word New User FAQ & Web Directory:

Intermediate User's Guide to Microsoft Word (supplemented version of
Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide)

See also the MVP FAQ: which is awesome!
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This message is posted to a newsgroup. Please post replies
and questions to the newsgroup so that others can learn
from my ignorance and your wisdom.


To add the Charles's (correct) recommendation, you can also download a
utility from Microsoft that will scourge your documents of any embarrassing
information before you send it. Check the following MSKB article:

Also, if you are using Outlook, go to Tools, Options, Email Options,
Advanced Email Options and clear the checkbox (at the very bottom of the
dialog), 'Add Properties to Attachments to Enable Reply with Changes'.

: We have a problem with turning off reviewing in documents that have been
: finalized. This is particularly sensitive when we submit documents
: electronically to clients, and can't be sure that the changes won't be
: visible. This is occurring in all documents, whether or not they are
: for review, or as attachments. Protecting the document is not always an
: option. It is very annoying to go back to a document that was finalized
: to see all the changes and comments revealed after being rejected or
: accepted. We have tried setting the security option in Tools to hide the
: markups on opening or saving files, but it doesn't always work. We are
: looking for a solution to this propblem.

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