I'm not sure what you mean - document text in Word never could be rotated.
What specific "ability" is it that you believe to be missing?
Shapes containing text can be rotated as previously - by using the Free
Rotate handle of the shape or via rt-click to Format> AutoShape> Size - as
well as on the Format contextual tab of the Text Box Tools. Rotating the
shape, however, doesn't rotate the text. The tools in PPt & Excel work
differently - perhaps that's what you're recalling.
You can also change the Text Direction on the same tab of the Ribbon I the
Text group. Likewise, in a Table Cell there is a Text Direction option in
the Alignment group on the Layout contextual tab of the Table Tools.
There's also WordArt which can be rotated as always.
HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac