Does anyone know what is the extension for excel(2003) temporary f


Joe Liang

I am setting up a File Server(windows 2003 R2) with only excel permission for
one folder.
In this case, I give permission for excel permissions like *.xls,
*.xlt,etc. Also temporary files permission like *.tmp, *.temp, ~*.

However after setup, it only can create excel file, change the name. If you
change the content want to save it or save as another name, system says
cannot save the file.

OK. If I give all the permission to *.*, then no problem at all.
So I am thinking what kind of extension for excel temporary files.

I found the KB knowledge from :;en-us;814068&x=16&y=10

But I do not see any special files when I edit the excel file.

Some one can give me other hints?

Thanks a lot!

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