Everything works fine if I use text for gwMessage.BodyText="adkfasldjfasdfasdfs" but if I use an inputbox for user prompt and go (TxtRange= an input box) gwMessage.BodyText= TxtRange I get an error
Does anyone know how to have the user click on the text that they want sent. My input box works on other appliations for text, I don't see why it won't work with this
Private Sub CommandButton7_Click(
Dim gwMessage As GroupwareTypeLibrary.Message
Dim gwaccount As GroupwareTypeLibrary.Account
Dim gwapp As GroupwareTypeLibrary.Applicatio
Dim gwattach As GroupwareTypeLibrary.Attachmen
Dim rs As Varian
Dim WhoTo As Strin
Dim Person As Strin
Dim TxtRange As Rang
Dim Cancel As Boolea
If Application.UserName = "Jason" The
WhoTo = InputBox("Name?", "Send EMail"
If Cancel The
Exit Su
End I
If WhoTo = "Jason" The
Person = "(e-mail address removed)
End I
Set gwapp = CreateObject("NovellGroupWareSession"
Set gwaccount = gwapp.Login(MyUserName, , MyPassword
Set gwMessage = gwaccount.MailBox.Messages.ad
Set TxtRange = Application.InputBox(prompt:="Click on the text you want sent", Title:="Text Selection", Type:=8
gwMessage.BodyText = TxtRang
gwMessage.Subject = "Spreadsheet Stuff
gwMessage.Recipients.add Perso
End I
End I
End Sub
Does anyone know how to have the user click on the text that they want sent. My input box works on other appliations for text, I don't see why it won't work with this
Private Sub CommandButton7_Click(
Dim gwMessage As GroupwareTypeLibrary.Message
Dim gwaccount As GroupwareTypeLibrary.Account
Dim gwapp As GroupwareTypeLibrary.Applicatio
Dim gwattach As GroupwareTypeLibrary.Attachmen
Dim rs As Varian
Dim WhoTo As Strin
Dim Person As Strin
Dim TxtRange As Rang
Dim Cancel As Boolea
If Application.UserName = "Jason" The
WhoTo = InputBox("Name?", "Send EMail"
If Cancel The
Exit Su
End I
If WhoTo = "Jason" The
Person = "(e-mail address removed)
End I
Set gwapp = CreateObject("NovellGroupWareSession"
Set gwaccount = gwapp.Login(MyUserName, , MyPassword
Set gwMessage = gwaccount.MailBox.Messages.ad
Set TxtRange = Application.InputBox(prompt:="Click on the text you want sent", Title:="Text Selection", Type:=8
gwMessage.BodyText = TxtRang
gwMessage.Subject = "Spreadsheet Stuff
gwMessage.Recipients.add Perso
End I
End I
End Sub