Since Frontpage 98 I have been a dedicated user to presetn with FP 2003. I
have overcome it's problems and bugs and ignored outside critiscism. I have
been watching and using the forums for the problems and some still unadressed
BY MS. I am starting to think that MS Front page has been a laim duck all
along and MS has known this, which is made true by the soon to be released
Web designer. MS should really be careful at how much you are going to price
for the updated FrontPage version. Does it upgrade FrontPage 2003? maybe but
most likely not since they have not mentioned it. Could it be, probably! Will
the price be high, if it is this whole idea about a new Web Design software
is not to provide a better building tool it's to make more money at the
expense of users. I am waiting as are many others I presume to see what MS
does. In watching the demos and other material I have come to the conclusion
because of the way it works it is no different than Frontpage in the way it
operates it just has been upgraded. I could see if their were drastic
interface changes and other components added to it or integrated other
tehnologies. CSS big woop nothing to brag about it was possible before but
does that warrent a new software program. I am not worried about having to by
a new software program all I am thinking about is which one "DreamWeaver
looks stable and apealing." At this moment I am using FP 2003 and probably
will still have to use since my clients are all using MS products for their
business operations but what do I tell them now. You can't upgrade FP it's
dead you have to buy new software. I want to see MS become responsible for
its ideas and bring continuity to its implemention. MS has possibly failed to
realize that these days it's a matter of making your users happy not just
your execs and stock holders. I really do expect allot from MS my business is
built on allot of it and their products have been evolving perfectly with
affordable upgrades but to reininvent the wheel when most everyone has there
car built something is just not right atleast it seems that way to me.
have overcome it's problems and bugs and ignored outside critiscism. I have
been watching and using the forums for the problems and some still unadressed
BY MS. I am starting to think that MS Front page has been a laim duck all
along and MS has known this, which is made true by the soon to be released
Web designer. MS should really be careful at how much you are going to price
for the updated FrontPage version. Does it upgrade FrontPage 2003? maybe but
most likely not since they have not mentioned it. Could it be, probably! Will
the price be high, if it is this whole idea about a new Web Design software
is not to provide a better building tool it's to make more money at the
expense of users. I am waiting as are many others I presume to see what MS
does. In watching the demos and other material I have come to the conclusion
because of the way it works it is no different than Frontpage in the way it
operates it just has been upgraded. I could see if their were drastic
interface changes and other components added to it or integrated other
tehnologies. CSS big woop nothing to brag about it was possible before but
does that warrent a new software program. I am not worried about having to by
a new software program all I am thinking about is which one "DreamWeaver
looks stable and apealing." At this moment I am using FP 2003 and probably
will still have to use since my clients are all using MS products for their
business operations but what do I tell them now. You can't upgrade FP it's
dead you have to buy new software. I want to see MS become responsible for
its ideas and bring continuity to its implemention. MS has possibly failed to
realize that these days it's a matter of making your users happy not just
your execs and stock holders. I really do expect allot from MS my business is
built on allot of it and their products have been evolving perfectly with
affordable upgrades but to reininvent the wheel when most everyone has there
car built something is just not right atleast it seems that way to me.