Does Groove 3.1 strip away "Read Only" file property?


Jeff in Chicago


I am trying to make certain files in Groove "uneditable." In other words,
I'd like to put a Word file in the Groove space, and make it read-only by all
participants, forcing them to create a new version once they open and modify
it. In fact, I'd like to prevent the filename from being changed, as well.

For our particular use, everyone in the space is a Manager, so we can't rely
on roles to control access and editing.

When I lock a file by right-clicking on it and selecting Properties, and
then I check "Read Only," the file is then successfully protected within
the Windows file system, but once it is added to Groove, it seems as though
the locked attribute gets stripped away.

Any ideas?

Mark Smith

Hi Jeff -

Yes, Groove does ignore the 'read only' property in favour of the
permissions-based model. What's wrong with setting manager permissions to
exclude editing files? Its what we do all the time with our quotes and

Hi -

I am having a similar issue sharing source-code files using Groove.

I have multiple computers I am working on at different locations. I use
Groove to auto-sync my Docs and source-code files. The problem is that (on
my primary PC) I am using Source-Control (VSS) which uses the Read-Only
attribute to lock files. Since Groove doesn't copy this attribute across
shares, I find that I need to log into my main PC every time I need to update
a file (just to make sure it is checked out of VSS). What's worse is that I
can modify a file remotely even when the 'original' on my main PC is marked
as Read-only (ie: Checked-IN by VSS), and Groove will actually update the
Read-only version with the changes (leaving the Read-only attribute set!).
It seems that Groove not only looses the Read-only attribute when sharing the
file, but it also has the power to ignore it altogether!

I realize that Groove is probably not the best solution in this case, but I
was just wondering if you had any ideas. I would hate to have to leave all
my files in a perpetual checked-out state just to avoid this rather annoying

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