Does not provide feedback with sound when opening a document


Esther Ma

The "provide feedback with sound" option is checked but it never
provided the feedback with sound when opening a document. When saving
or printing the document, it provides sounds. It only doesn't work
while opening a document

John McGhie

So "sounds" are working, but that particular sound is not.

That could mean that the sound file itself is missing from your
Applications/Microsoft Office/Office/Sounds folder. I am sorry, I do not
know the name of the file, and it's not easy to find out.

It could also (more likely) mean a damaged preference, but I don't know
which one. I seem to remember that there was some discussion about this:
maybe one of the others will remember where the sound scheme is located?

I am afraid I will have to ask... And since I already did a while ago and I
didn't get an answer, the response may not be "quick". Sorry...


The "provide feedback with sound" option is checked but it never
provided the feedback with sound when opening a document. When saving
or printing the document, it provides sounds. It only doesn't work
while opening a document


Please reply to the newsgroup to maintain the thread. Please do not email
me unless I ask you to.

John McGhie <[email protected]>
Consultant Technical Writer
Sydney, Australia +61 4 1209 1410

Michel Bintener

I just thought I should add my own thoughts here. The sounds are indeed
behaving quite strangely, sometimes they work, sometimes they don't. In your
special case, Esther Ma, I think I've noticed a similar behaviour. Then
again, I haven't paid that much attention to it, but as far as I can tell,
the sound will only play when you open a document from within Word, e.g. the
"Work" menu or the "Recent Items" menu. The sound will not play when you
double-click a file in the Finder. Maybe that's the explanation for your


John McGhie

Hi Michel:

Oh, VERY nice pickup!!

Yes, that may be her problem. I didn't think of it because I rarely use
double-clicking to open things, I always use File>Open.

And it's the File>Open event that triggers the sound. Or more correctly,
the File Open that triggers the event that triggers the sound.


I just thought I should add my own thoughts here. The sounds are indeed
behaving quite strangely, sometimes they work, sometimes they don't. In your
special case, Esther Ma, I think I've noticed a similar behaviour. Then
again, I haven't paid that much attention to it, but as far as I can tell,
the sound will only play when you open a document from within Word, e.g. the
"Work" menu or the "Recent Items" menu. The sound will not play when you
double-click a file in the Finder. Maybe that's the explanation for your



Please reply to the newsgroup to maintain the thread. Please do not email
me unless I ask you to.

John McGhie <[email protected]>
Consultant Technical Writer
Sydney, Australia +61 4 1209 1410


John said:
Hi Michel:

Oh, VERY nice pickup!!

Yes, that may be her problem. I didn't think of it because I rarely use
double-clicking to open things, I always use File>Open.

And it's the File>Open event that triggers the sound. Or more correctly,
the File Open that triggers the event that triggers the sound.



Please reply to the newsgroup to maintain the thread. Please do not email
me unless I ask you to.

John McGhie <[email protected]>
Consultant Technical Writer
Sydney, Australia +61 4 1209 1410

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