Ok, then you'll need VBA, DAO, and MS Jet, on the pc. You'll need Jet
3.x if the database was created in Access 95 or 97, or Jet 4.x if it
was created in Access 2000, 2002 or 2003. Jet 4.x is up to SP8 (!), I
believe. You will not need Access itself.
I don't know whether you'd get all or any of that as standard, on a
Tablet pc - but them's what you need. Look for files named DAO*.dll and
MSJET*.dll, those are some of them.
If you don't have Jet & DAO, maybe you could get them through "MDAC".
You could certainly get them by installing Access - but that's a big
product, and you don't really need it - you just need Jet & DAO.
TC [MVP Access]