Does Outlook 2000 support IMAP4 ?


Yuri Palagin

Hi everybody.

Does Outlook 2000 support creating an Internet Mail Account with IMAP4
protocol instead of POP3? If it does, how can I do that?
When I create a new configuration, choose Create automatically, check
"Internet mail account" box, it does not suggest me to pick a protocol (pop
or imap or http).

Our corporate policy has switched to using IMAP4 rather than POP3 over slow
WAN networks, but a lot of the users still have MS Outlook 2000 as POP3
clients. So, is there an easy way out, or do I have to upgrade their

Thank you for any ideas,


Vladislav Artukov

podderzka raboty s zagolovkami messag na udalennom servere est i v POP3 (CW


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