Does synchronizing files alter file creation dates?


El Capitan

If I am using outlook and word at home and then put those files on a flash
drive, take it to work and sync it up with my network drive, should this have
any effect on the File Creation Date shown in the Properties section of any
individual files?

Example: Created a Word file & OUtlook Task on 4/3/06. Synced it up at
work on 4/24/06. The file creation date still should be 4/3/06? Is that

Brian Tillman

El Capitan said:
If I am using outlook and word at home and then put those files on a
flash drive, take it to work and sync it up with my network drive,
should this have any effect on the File Creation Date shown in the
Properties section of any individual files?

Example: Created a Word file & OUtlook Task on 4/3/06. Synced it up
at work on 4/24/06. The file creation date still should be 4/3/06?
Is that correct?

Depends on which files you use. While a Word document is a file system
object, an Outlook task is not. It does not exist by itself as a separate
file. Certainly copying a Word document from one storage medium to another
shouldn't change the creation date, that's not strictly "synchronizing".
For Outlook, it's best to copy the entire message store PST with Outlook
closed and then reuse that PST in the destination Outlook instance. This,
too, is not "synchronizing", per se, but it accomplishes what I believe is
your intent and doesn't change any dates on the data at all.

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