Does the Selected Range include a merged or split cell?


Greg Maxey

That is my 64 million dollar question today.

Some of you may know that I am working on a macro to report table and cell data. Fruit of my labor so far is

Take the situation where you create a 5x2 table and merge B2 and C2
Then select A1,B1,C1,A2,B2.
If you run TableCellHelper from Macros8.Dot, it will report the selected range as A1:B2. While that may appear correct on the screen {=sum(A1:B2)} will return will not correctly sum the value of the selected cells.

For that reason, I have elected to exclude selection range reporting if the table contains split or merged cells:

If Selection.Tables(1).Uniform Then
Report span
Don't report span
End If

That seems a huge concession. For example if I have a 20x50 table and merge S50 and T50, I have effectively deep sixed range reports for the remaining million or so selection possibilities :-(

Now I am thinking maybe I should just report the range with the disclaimer that if the table is not uniform then the reported range may be in doubt.

After a working lifetime of dedication to trying got put ordnance on target, that seems cheesy ;-)

So, can anyone help me answer the question (in VBA lingo):

If Selected range of cells is free of split or merged cells that would booger up a range report
Report span
Don't report span
End If

As always thanks for your time.


Hi Greg,

If I make a table like you suggest, fill the five cells that are to be
selected with 1 to 5 and select them, the following macro correctly returns

Sub SumCells()
Dim aCell As Cell, lngTotal As Long, strCellVal As String

lngTotal = 0

For Each aCell In Selection.Cells
strCellVal = Left(aCell.Range.Text, Len(aCell.Range.Text) - 2)
lngTotal = lngTotal + CLng(strCellVal)
Next aCell
MsgBox lngTotal

End Sub

Can this be of any use (and if so - am I a rich man?)?




Thanks for the reply ;-)

I am not looking for a way to sum the cells, that was just an example.
I am looking for a way to evaluate the selection and determine if range
can or can not be accurately reported in an A1:Z100 format. In some
cases it can't be due to merged or split cells.

Tony Jollans

It really pains me to say this .. but I don't think you can say for certain whether the Selection contains merged cells (assuming the table does, of course) without checking every cell - and maybe some outside the selection as well. Just consider the simple case of a selection of one cell which is a merged cell - what properties does it have that indicate that it is merged?


That is my 64 million dollar question today.

Some of you may know that I am working on a macro to report table and cell data. Fruit of my labor so far is

Take the situation where you create a 5x2 table and merge B2 and C2
Then select A1,B1,C1,A2,B2.
If you run TableCellHelper from Macros8.Dot, it will report the selected range as A1:B2. While that may appear correct on the screen {=sum(A1:B2)} will return will not correctly sum the value of the selected cells.

For that reason, I have elected to exclude selection range reporting if the table contains split or merged cells:

If Selection.Tables(1).Uniform Then
Report span
Don't report span
End If

That seems a huge concession. For example if I have a 20x50 table and merge S50 and T50, I have effectively deep sixed range reports for the remaining million or so selection possibilities :-(

Now I am thinking maybe I should just report the range with the disclaimer that if the table is not uniform then the reported range may be in doubt.

After a working lifetime of dedication to trying got put ordnance on target, that seems cheesy ;-)

So, can anyone help me answer the question (in VBA lingo):

If Selected range of cells is free of split or merged cells that would booger up a range report
Report span
Don't report span
End If

As always thanks for your time.



I am nearing the same conclusion. I suppose as a compromise I could
simply report the range with a condition that it is just a best guess
if the table contains split or merged cells.

Helmut Weber

Hi everybody,
It really pains me to say this ..

yes, indeed.

"Uniform" tells you nothing else, then whether
the cell-borders match in each row.
(If the numbers of cells if different,
then the cell-borders can't match.)

Just as far as I have been investigating this.

Merging every cell in the second last column
with every cell in the last column results
in a uniform table again.

I think of merged and split cells as a matter
of history of a table. And this history isn't
accessible, or only to a very limited extend.
Via undo, maybe, but only in theory.

I gave up on that question long ago.

One might as well ask, whether a word
contains a deleted character. ;-)

Greetings from Bavaria, Germany

Helmut Weber, MVP WordVBA

Win XP, Office 2003
"red.sys" & Chr$(64) & ""


Hi Helmut

Now why would anyone pay 64 million dollars for the answer to that
question ;-)

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