Does WORD fie exist




I have a form with a command button the does a Word merge. I want to add a
text box to my form and have the user enter the name of the Word document
that the data is to be merged to. But, before I do the merge I want to be
sure the Word file exists and give the user a message if the file is not
found. I know that this can be done, but I can't find the code.

Any help would be appreciated.

Dirk Goldgar

Phil said:

I have a form with a command button the does a Word merge. I want to
add a text box to my form and have the user enter the name of the
Word document that the data is to be merged to. But, before I do the
merge I want to be sure the Word file exists and give the user a
message if the file is not found. I know that this can be done, but
I can't find the code.

Any help would be appreciated.

Given the full path to the file, the Dir() function will return the name
of the file if it exists, or a zero-length string if it doesn't. So you
could use:

strPathToFile = strBaseFolderPath & Me!txtWordFile

If Len(Dir(strPathToFile)) = 0 Then
MsgBox "You entered a file name that doesn't exist!"
' ... do something with it
End If

However, instead of a text box, why not use the Windows File Open dialog
to let the user browse to an existing file? Then you'd be sure that if
any file name is returned, the file exists. There's code for calling
the Windows API for this at:


Thanks Dirk,

I did use the Windows open routine. I don't understand the code, but did
mess with it enough to get what I wanted. One question: I don't want the
user to be able to change to a different directory. Do you know if I can
prevent the all the different directory icons (previous directory, new
directory, etc) from appearing?


Dirk Goldgar

Phil said:
Thanks Dirk,

I did use the Windows open routine. I don't understand the code, but
did mess with it enough to get what I wanted. One question: I don't
want the user to be able to change to a different directory. Do you
know if I can prevent the all the different directory icons (previous
directory, new directory, etc) from appearing?

I *think* it's possible, by hooking the dialog's window procedure, but
it's complicated and I haven't done it. Of course, it's easy enough to
examine the file path that is returned by the dialog and reject it if it
isn't in the original directory, but I agree that it's bad UI design to
allow the user to navigate to folders you don't intend to allow them to
pick from. You may find some posted code for this on Google, if you
pick the right keywords.

An alternative -- reinventing the wheel -- is to make your own file
dialog as an Access form. I've done this before, and can provide code
for it if you like. It's clunky compared to the API dialog, though.


Hi Dirk,

Yes, I would love to have the code then I can decide which way to go.

Thanks again,

Dirk Goldgar

Phil said:
Hi Dirk,

Yes, I would love to have the code then I can decide which way to go.

Okay. This particular form is called "frmFileList", and it has three
text boxes ...

txtFolder - in form header section
txtPattern - in detail section.
Default Value property = "*.*"
txtAttributes - in form detail section, but invisible.
Default Value property = 0.

.... a big list box ...

lstFiles - to display the list of files

.... and two command buttons at the bottom ...

cmdOK - caption "OK" - to approve the selected file and hide the
cmdClose - caption "Cancel" - to close the form.

The form expects to be opened in dialog mode, with arguments passed via
the OpenArgs argument of the DoCmd.OpenForm method. The argument string
should be composed of optional "keyword=vaue" pairs, separated by the
pipe character "|". All keywords, and the OpenArgs string itself, are
optional. Supported keywords are:

Folder=<folder path>
Path to the folder to be listed, with no trailing "\".
Default is the system's current directory.

Caption=<text for form caption>
Text to be displayed as the caption of the form.
Default is the form's Caption property.

Pattern=<matching pattern for files to be listed>
Pattern (as recognized by the Dir function) that the names
of the files to be listed must match.
Default is "*.*".

Attributes=<required file attributes>
Attributes (as recognized by the Dir function) that the
files to be listed must match.
Default is 0 (normal files).

ChangeFolder=<True or False, -1 or 0>
Controls whether the user is allowed to change
the folder.
Default is 0 (False).

This form uses a statically sized array of 1000 files. Therefore it
will not list more than 1000 files in a folder. You can increase that
limit if you need to, or set it up to dynamically resize the array.

------ start of code for form module ------
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Function FillFileList( _
fld As Control, _
ID As Variant, _
row As Variant, _
col As Variant, _
code As Variant) _
As Variant

Static avarFiles(1000) As Variant
Static intEntries As Integer
Dim ReturnVal As Variant

ReturnVal = Null
Select Case code
Case acLBInitialize ' Initialize.
intEntries = 0
avarFiles(intEntries) = _
Dir(Me.txtFolder & "\" & Nz(Me.txtPattern, "*.*"), _
Do Until avarFiles(intEntries) = vbNullString _
Or intEntries >= 1000
intEntries = intEntries + 1
avarFiles(intEntries) = Dir
If intEntries > 1 Then
QSArray avarFiles, LBound(avarFiles), intEntries - 1
End If
ReturnVal = intEntries
Case acLBOpen ' Open.
' Generate unique ID for control.
ReturnVal = Timer
Case acLBGetRowCount ' Get number of rows.
ReturnVal = intEntries
Case acLBGetColumnCount ' Get number of columns.
ReturnVal = 1
Case acLBGetColumnWidth ' Column width.
' -1 forces use of default width.
ReturnVal = -1
Case acLBGetValue ' Get data.
ReturnVal = avarFiles(row)
Case acLBEnd ' End.
Erase avarFiles
End Select

FillFileList = ReturnVal

End Function

Private Sub QSArray(_
arrIn() As Variant, _
ByVal intLowBound As Integer, _
ByVal intHighBound As Integer)

Dim intX As Integer
Dim intY As Integer
Dim varMidBound As Variant
Dim varTmp As Variant

If intHighBound > intLowBound Then
varMidBound = arrIn((intLowBound + intHighBound) \ 2)
intX = intLowBound
intY = intHighBound
Do While intX <= intY
If arrIn(intX) >= varMidBound And arrIn(intY) <= varMidBound Then
varTmp = arrIn(intX)
arrIn(intX) = arrIn(intY)
arrIn(intY) = varTmp
intX = intX + 1
intY = intY - 1
If arrIn(intX) < varMidBound Then
intX = intX + 1
End If
If arrIn(intY) > varMidBound Then
intY = intY - 1
End If
End If
Call QSArray(arrIn(), intLowBound, intY)
Call QSArray(arrIn(), intX, intHighBound)
End If
End Sub

Private Sub cmdClose_Click()
DoCmd.Close acForm, Me.Name, acSaveNo
End Sub

Private Sub cmdOK_Click()

If IsNull(Me.lstFiles) Then
MsgBox "You must choose a file first, or else click the Cancel
Exit Sub
Me.Visible = False
End If

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)

' Dim astrArgs() As String ' A2K+
' Dim astrThisArg() As String ' A2K+
Dim astrArgs As Variant
Dim astrThisArg As Variant
Dim I As Integer

astrArgs = Split(Trim(Me.OpenArgs & ""), "|", -1, vbBinaryCompare)

For I = LBound(astrArgs) To UBound(astrArgs)
' astrThisArg = Split(astrArgs(I), "=", 2, vbBinaryCompare)
astrThisArg = Split(CStr(astrArgs(I)), "=", 2, vbBinaryCompare)
Select Case astrThisArg(0)
Case "Folder": Me.txtFolder = astrThisArg(1)
Case "Caption": Me.Caption = astrThisArg(1)
Case "Pattern": Me.txtPattern = astrThisArg(1)
Case "Attributes": Me.txtAttributes = astrThisArg(1)
Case "ChangeFolder"
Me.FormHeader.Visible = CBool(astrThisArg(1))
End Select
Next I

If Len(Me.txtFolder & vbNullString) = 0 Then
Me.txtFolder = CurDir
End If

If Len(Me.txtPattern & vbNullString) = 0 Then
Me.txtPattern = "*.*"
End If

' Having set all our initial properties, fill the list box with a
' of the matching files.
Me.lstFiles.RowSourceType = "FillFileList"

End Sub

Private Sub lstFiles_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
' Double-clicking a file is the same as selecting the file
' and clicking the OK button.
Call cmdOK_Click
End Sub

Private Sub txtFolder_AfterUpdate()
End Sub

Private Sub txtPattern_AfterUpdate()
End Sub
------ end of code for form module ------

How to call it:
I have the following function defined in a standard module to display
the form and return the user's selection. Watch out for lines wrapped
by the newsreader.

----- start of function code -----
Function fncPickAFile( _
ByRef strFolder As String, _
Optional strPattern As String = "*.*", _
Optional strCaption As String, _
Optional fChangeFolder As Boolean = False, _
Optional lngAttributes As Long = vbNormal Or vbReadOnly) _
As String

' Display the form "frmFileList" in dialog mode to prompt the user
' select a file, and return the file selected, or a null string if
' file was selected.
' strFolder - as passed, the folder whose files are to be displayed.
If a
' null string is passed in this argument, the user's current
' (as returned by CurDir) will be used. If the optional
' fChangeFolder is True, on return this argument will be set
to the
' folder from which the file was actually chosen.
' strPattern - the initial pattern of file names to be searched for,
using the
' standard wild-card characters "*" and "?". The user may
override this
' pattern.
' strCaption - If specified, overrides the default caption on the
' fChangeFolder - If set to True, the user has the ability to change
the folder
' whose files are to be listed, and the folder actually used
will be returned
' in the strFolder argument. If False (the default) only
files in this
' folder will be listed.
' lngAttributes - Specifies the attributes for the files to be
listed. See the
' documentation of the Dir() function for details. By
default, normal or
' read-only files will be listed for selection.
' If a file was chosen, returns the name of that file. If no file
was chosen --
' the user cancelled or closed the form without choosing a file --
returns a
' null string.

Dim strFormArgs As String

strFormArgs = _
"Folder=" & strFolder & _
"|" & "Pattern=" & strPattern & _
"|" & "Caption=" & strCaption & _
"|" & "ChangeFolder=" & fChangeFolder & _
"|" & "Attributes=" & lngAttributes

DoCmd.OpenForm "frmFileList", _
WindowMode:=acDialog, _

If IsLoaded("frmFileList") Then
With Forms!frmFilelist
fncPickAFile = !lstFiles & ""
If fChangeFolder Then
strFolder = !txtFolder
End If
End With
DoCmd.Close acForm, "frmFileList", acSaveNo
End If

End Function
----- end of function code -----

Have fun!


Hi again Dirk,

I created a form with a command button on it and entered the code "How to
call it". When I click on the button I get a "sub or function not defined"
error on the IsLoaded if statement. If I comment that code out, the
frmFindList comes up and appears to work correctly. It seems that IsLoaded
is a system function, but I don't know. I don't understand the code and I
don't know how my first form receives the name of the selected file.
thanks again....

Dirk Goldgar

Phil said:
Hi again Dirk,

I created a form with a command button on it and entered the code
"How to call it". When I click on the button I get a "sub or
function not defined" error on the IsLoaded if statement. If I
comment that code out, the frmFindList comes up and appears to work
correctly. It seems that IsLoaded is a system function, but I don't

Sorry, I didn't notice I was using the IsLoaded function in there for
compatibility with Access 97. That function is from one of the sample
databases -- Northwind.mdb or Solutions.mdb -- that comes with the
Access installation, and its code is posted all over the place. I'll
post it for you again if you like, but if you're using Access 2000 or
later you can replace the line ...

If IsLoaded("frmFileList") Then

with ...

If CurrentProject.AllForms("frmFileList").IsLoaded Then

and you'll get the same effect.
I don't understand the code and I don't know how my first form
receives the name of the selected file.

The function fncPickAFile() should be pasted into a standard module (on
the Modules tab of the database window), not in your button's event
procedure. Having done that, suppose you have a command button that is
supposed to get the file selection and perform the mail merge. That
button's code might look something like this:

'----- start of event procedure code -----
Private Sub cmdWordMerge_Click()

Dim strDocFolder As String
Dim strMergeFile As String

strDocFolder = "C:\MyWordDocs"

strMergeFile = _
fncPickAFile( _
strDocFolder, _
*.doc", _
"Choose a File to Merge")

If Len(strMergeFile) > 0 Then
' The user chose a file, so perform the merge.

' ... your merge logic goes here ...

End If

End Sub
'----- end of event procedure code -----


Thanks Dirk,

That did it....
I placed the return data from 'fncPickAFile' into a text box on my form. I
have an unlimited number of merge options on the form and with the text box
populated it makes my merges very easy. Before the user had to type in the
merge file name and you know how that goes......

Thanks again. This works great and it looks just like part of the Access
application instead of a "Windows" routine.

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