Doesn't anyone care?


Dr. Jinx What

I tried inquiring the group that this concerns and no one replied. I have
found a better way to use the macro Mail Merge, in ways that will lead us to
an interesting future, but no one there cares one bit to the fact I have
created over 22 billion recipies in the form of form reciepe form letters,
ready to be merged with data files of food componants. And not one asked how
I did it or even saiid anything about it, good, bad, or indiferent! It makes
me wonder if those fools on that group care about anything but their petty
tiny business aplications, that is only good for junk maiil or bills! Most
of which ends up in the trash! Although this is considered good business, it
is also a waste of a good tool that has potential for greater things and not
one poster even the moderator gves an damb about it! What is worng with
them, and why can't they see the potential for it? Do they think by ignoring
me, I will go away like a fearfull little dog? Not hardly I have worked
toooooo hard and tooooo long on this progject to be discouraged by their bad
attituded and indifference! Can someone here say something, or all the
gorups on this server as non caring?

Dr. Jinx Minx What
(e-mail address removed)


Dr. Jinx What said:
I tried inquiring the group that this concerns and no one replied. I have
found a better way to use the macro Mail Merge, in ways that will lead us
to an interesting future, but no one there cares one bit to the fact I
have created over 22 billion recipies in the form of form reciepe form
letters, ready to be merged with data files of food componants. And not
one asked how I did it or even saiid anything about it, good, bad, or
indiferent! It makes me wonder if those fools on that group care about
anything but their petty tiny business aplications, that is only good for
junk maiil or bills! Most of which ends up in the trash! Although this is
considered good business, it is also a waste of a good tool that has
potential for greater things and not one poster even the moderator gves an
damb about it! What is worng with them, and why can't they see the
potential for it? Do they think by ignoring me, I will go away like a
fearfull little dog? Not hardly I have worked toooooo hard and tooooo long
on this progject to be discouraged by their bad attituded and
indifference! Can someone here say something, or all the gorups on this
server as non caring?

And this gibberish is related to PowerPoint how?

Dr. Jinx What

to see if anyone cares? You obviously have no idea and you are totally
clueless to the reason. I just wanted to see if somone cared enough to
respond, since not one person has responded in that other group. You would
know that if you had read the post, instead of acting like a total idiot!

Dr. Jinx What

That would be true if i posted no messages, but there are messages poseted
on this subject, open your eyes and look!


Dr. Jinx What said:
to see if anyone cares? You obviously have no idea and you are totally
clueless to the reason. I just wanted to see if somone cared enough to
respond, since not one person has responded in that other group. You would
know that if you had read the post, instead of acting like a total idiot!

Who are you talking to?


Very amusing, but to get back to the original question, what does Mail Merge
have to do with PowerPoint?


Jaime said:
Very amusing, but to get back to the original question, what does Mail
Merge have to do with PowerPoint?

And whats'isname obviously doesn't know what "plonk" means...


Very amusing, but to get back to the original question, what does Mail Merge
have to do with PowerPoint?
Bart: "According to creationism, there were no cavemen."
Homer: "Good riddance! Their drawings sucked and they looked like hippies.."

- Show quoted text -

Nothing to do with PowerPoint. A message was posted in another forum
which has absolutely nothing to do with PowerPoint:

....and apparently Dr.Jinx expected the world to stop to acknowledge
his/her own sense of self-importance.


I opened everything I could, I open my arms...But sister Ann, nothing to the
horizon; at least for me


How about opening your eyes, and looking and the mailmerg news group!

Maybe because we're interested in PowerPoint, thus the reason we're
viewing the PowerPoint group?

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