Doesnt show all records!!!



Hi all. I have a report which is basically an invoice, notifyin
students of the amounts they need to pay in order to resit a faile

The query I have brings up all failed exams. Thats fine.

In the report however, it will only bring up the 1st person who ha

So basically what I am after is, for each person, a list of all th
exams they've failed. Sound simple, and probably is, but I cant get m
head around it...Must be cos it's monday

Marshall Barton

Pharcyde said:
Hi all. I have a report which is basically an invoice, notifying
students of the amounts they need to pay in order to resit a failed

The query I have brings up all failed exams. Thats fine.

In the report however, it will only bring up the 1st person who has

So basically what I am after is, for each person, a list of all the
exams they've failed. Sound simple, and probably is, but I cant get my
head around it...

What is the layout of the report? It sounds like you might
have placed the controls in the report or page header

I think you will want to group on the person identifier with
the person data in the group header and the exams data in
the detail section. Is that what you're doing?

Another possibility is that somehow the report's data is
being filtered in some way. Maybe a filter got saved with
the report at some time or other. Maybe you're starting the
report from a form and applying a where condition on the
OpenReport method. Maybe this, maybe that, but more
information is needed to debug this kind of issue.

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