ste mac
Hi There, can anybody help me with this one please:
I am no programmer but the macro below sticks a countif
formula in each cell as requested, but this makes the wb
slow to update (as it calcs of each cell) is there anyway
I can change it so it calcs the countif but just places the
amount it counts in each cell instead of the formulae?
Thanks for any help
seeya ste
Public Sub howmany()
Dim xlrow As Long
thedata = "DV3:EJ65000"
xlrow = 2150
Do While Not ActiveSheet.Cells(xlrow, 70).Value = ""
ActiveSheet.Cells(xlrow, 73).Formula = "=countif(" & thedata & ", " &
ActiveSheet.Cells(xlrow, 70).Value & ")"
xlrow = xlrow + 1
Application.StatusBar = xlrow
Application.StatusBar = False
End Sub
I am no programmer but the macro below sticks a countif
formula in each cell as requested, but this makes the wb
slow to update (as it calcs of each cell) is there anyway
I can change it so it calcs the countif but just places the
amount it counts in each cell instead of the formulae?
Thanks for any help
seeya ste
Public Sub howmany()
Dim xlrow As Long
thedata = "DV3:EJ65000"
xlrow = 2150
Do While Not ActiveSheet.Cells(xlrow, 70).Value = ""
ActiveSheet.Cells(xlrow, 73).Formula = "=countif(" & thedata & ", " &
ActiveSheet.Cells(xlrow, 70).Value & ")"
xlrow = xlrow + 1
Application.StatusBar = xlrow
Application.StatusBar = False
End Sub