Doing a form and report (with graph) thing online




I have a database that allows users to input data through quite a
sophisticated form.
The database also has a very advanced and comprehensive analysis section
which has loads of user-led forms (so that they can drive the type of
analysis themselves) that then run reports which will display graphs, tables
etc (often all on the same report).

The database is heavily dependant on VBA and there are many cases typed SQL
in the code (the SQL reads from the form though - not fully hard coded).

Anyway, I now need to create such a thing that can be put live on the
internet. There will now be users around the world who will need to input
data and produce reports.

Can someone please explain what my possible options are? I have concerns
about how to display the reports on a web browser, I also need general advice
on how best to do the user front end.

I'd really appreciate any thoughts and advice - I really don't want to lose
teh functions that I can get through VBA (eg enabling/disabling) and on the
reports in Access.

Many thanks,

Mark Andrews

To replace the forms good choices would be to use ASP pages or ASP.NET.
Sophistication on the web front-end migh require client-side Javascript to
be added to these pages.

In general the asp or pages would allow your users to
add/update/delete information from the database.

To do reports you could:
- Look at our product which uses existing Access reports on the server and
returns dynamic PDF files to the user.
- Look at another low or high end reporting product (Crystal reports,
Business Objects, Microstrategy etc...)
- Do asp pages to produce reports.

I have done very complicated report functionality over the web with lots of
VBA behind the scenes in the actual Access
report and lots of asp pages driving the web user interface.

RPT Software

PS: Feel free to ask me more detailed questions through the support email on
my web site.


On my access form i will select record and then click button submit. It will
open asp page. So my selected record will populate to asp page and i clisk
finish, it will send data to client. When i did click on finish it will open
next page with text saying they received data and assigned a new number. What
i need to do is update that assigned new number to access table.
Here is my code in access db;

Private Sub cmdRun_Click()
Dim mdoc As Object
Dim strNewNumber As String
Dim strSQL As String
Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset
Dim cn As Connection
Dim loopCnt As Integer

Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset
Set obj = Nothing
Set obj = New InternetExplorer

rst.Open "select * from tblEmployee", CurrentProject.Connection,
adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic

obj.Navigate2 "C:\Dev\Submit.asp", False
logLoaded = False

obj.Visible = True

Do Until logLoaded

Set mdoc = obj.Document

logLoaded = False

obj.Visible = True

Do Until logLoaded

Set mdoc = obj.Document

strNumber = mdoc.all("NewNumber")

strSQL = "UPDATE tblEmployee SET tblEmployee.txtNumber ='" & strNumber &
" ' " _
& "WHERE (((tblEmployee.ID)=Forms!frmProvider!intID));"

Set cn = CurrentProject.Connection
cn.Execute strSQL
Set cn = Nothing
Set cn = Nothing
Set rst = Nothing
Set mdoc = Nothing

End Sub

Please let me know what i need to do to make this work.

Thank you.


This is a new question, i am not sure why is added to existing one.
Please disregard
Thank you.

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