Doing Place name cards in mailmerge



Am trying to do place name cards. i have the inserts and plastic thingys to
put them in. they are durable 1458. everything is set out, the label is on
the list in word but when i merge it, the name appears on the card in the
wrong place, ie. not in the middle. also and most annoyingly, it does not
give you an option of doing the label on the reverse side??? which is the
whole purpose you are using this type of label?? i do not get it! anyone out
there that can explain please?

Charles Kenyon

I suspect that the simplest way will be to do two runs through your printer.
The only formatting a label merge knows is to put things in the top left of
each cell. So, merge to a new document and do your formatting in the new
document. If it will work, run the forms through your printer twice. (Do
this on plain paper first, to save on the cost of errors.) Otherwise...

Not as a merge, create a new document based on the label format. This will
be a table. It will be a starting place for you to look at. Make sure you
have gridlines displayed.

Now create yet another new document, this time in landscape mode. Set it up
to have the same table arrangement as the other document, except sideways.
In this document you will be able to rotate the text in the table cells by
90 degrees clockwise or counterclockwise. Put merge fields in these rotated
cells with your fields. Format them the way you want.

Good luck.
Charles Kenyon

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Hi Charles
Thank you for you quick answer. I actually figured out a way! I merged to
new doc. then formatted the text to appear at the bottom of cell and in the
middle. Then printed all the place names...then, cut the names and swapped
them around if you get what i mean!! It worked, albeit risky with the paper!
job done and boss happy so thats all that matters for now! Mind you, I am
surprised there is not a simpler way to do it. Will pen a note to mr. gates!!
THanks again.

Graham Mayor

It's a bit fiddly to do but you can split the cells and rotate the text in
one of them (or rotate one left and one right as necessary). The method is
that shown in the last section of

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>
Graham Mayor - Word MVP

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>

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