Another thing you can do.
If you want to do this repeatedly throught your project, write a function.
Sub TestMyFunction
UpdateRecord "MyTable", "MyField", MyFieldValue, "MyCriteriaField",
End Sub
Function UpdateRecord(myTable as String, myField as String, myFieldValue
as Variant, myCriteriaField as String, myCriteria as String)
DoCmd.RunSQL ("UPDATE " & myTable & " SET [" & myField & "] = " &
iif(isnumeric(myValue),"","'") & myValue & iif(isnumeric(myValue),"","'")
& " WHERE " & _
myCriteriaField & " = " &
iif(isnumeric(myCriteria),"","'") & myCriteria &
End Function
David said:
I have been using the Dlookup type functions quite a bit with my database,
but I need to now write a data back to a table. Is there a domain
aggregate type command that I can use to write a value to a table?