Domain changed for SPS & ProjectServer



Hi All,

I'm hosting Project Server 2003 on top of Windows SharePoint Services
2.0 on a Windows Server 2003. Earlier, this server was attached to
domain (Domain-A). Now the System Administrator has moved this system
to another domain (Domain-B).

I'm able to access the SPS sites after configurring my identity as sps
user/administrator. But I'm not able to access the Project Server,
which is hosted as virtual directory of the SPS site.

The project server is working based on Windows Domain Authentication. I
also have updated the domain username for the Project Central users.
But the server is inaccessible for the users.

Can anyone guide whether i'm missing anything?


Nico Oosthuysen

Hello Anbu,

Well, to start off, allow me to say that this might be a bit of a
challenge. Changing the domain for any complex piece of software such
as this will always be a tad involved.

Now, with that out of the way, your problem is a bit difficult to
diagnose with the info you have given. In what sense can the users not
access the site? I.e. are they even getting to the PWA logon page at
all? or is it simply displaying a Page cannot be displayed?



Thanks for your reply and sorry for late response.

The SPS site is accessible for everyone who has access to it. The site
has been implemented based on Windows authentication, so as Project

Few people and I are not able to access the Project Server, but there
is no problem in accessing the SPS pages. Since the project server is
implemented based the Windows domain authentication, it should not
prompt for the login. But in my case it's showing the PWA login page
(form based). I dont have SSL installed on the server, so i cannot use
this feature too.

Any suggestions???


Nico Oosthuysen

Hello Anbu,
The reason its prompting for your username and password is because it
probably doesn't know about your NT account. You will need to log in
using the built-in admininistrative account, and then go to Admin -->
Manage Users to ensure that your Username is defined correctly.



Sorry Nico,

I'm able to login from the server using my NT account, but not from my
Desktop. The problem could be in the registry or in some settings.

Any help?

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