Domain Sum in a Report



I'm trying to post a sum in a report, and it seems that using a domain
aggregate sum would work best. But nothing I do gets it to work correctly.
All I ever see displayed is either a zero or #Error in the text box. This is
what I'm trying to do:

Table A contains information about the guests to or establishments (like
name, address, e-mail, etc)
Table B contains information from the forms of comment/contact we've
received from our guests (comment cards, web surveys, phones calls, etc)

I created a report that displays all the information from the contact forms
our guests have used, and it includes parameter search by name. We're
interested in seeing how many contact cards our guests send in, and want to
include that on this report.

Considering :
[guest_name] from Table A equals current report record (entered by query
parameter), and [contact_form] from Table B has to equal "Comment Card"

How do I write an expression that will display the number of comment cards
for that individual?

Jeff Boyce

What expression have you already written?


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP

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