Don't highlight the regions I can edit permanently



I am using Word 2003 and have set up a region in a template that people can
edit and a region that is protected. I would prefer that the yellow
highlighting (indicating what regions that can edit) doesn't display. I can
de-activate this option (after I start enforcing protection), and then save
the template. But then when I re-open the template or base a new document on
the template, the yellow re-appears.

Is there an option I'm missing or perhaps there's line to a macro that can
automically be run? Thanks for any tips.

Cindy M.

Hi =?Utf-8?B?QW5keQ==?=,
I am using Word 2003 and have set up a region in a template that people can
edit and a region that is protected. I would prefer that the yellow
highlighting (indicating what regions that can edit) doesn't display. I can
de-activate this option (after I start enforcing protection), and then save
the template. But then when I re-open the template or base a new document on
the template, the yellow re-appears.

Is there an option I'm missing or perhaps there's line to a macro that can
automically be run?
This line of macro code will suppress that shading (for the current window)

ActiveDocument.Windows(1).View.ShadeEditableRanges = false

If you want it to take effect when the document is opened, put an AutoOpen macro
in the document:

Sub AutoOpen()
ActiveDocument.Windows(1).View.ShadeEditableRanges = false
End Sub

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 17 2005)

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