I have the code below that was set up by someone else that I need to make an
adjustment to. I don't want to include any items where the ClientCode is
equal to NO MATCH. How do I change this code to reflect that?
Set tempT = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT Branch, ClientCode, WhsCode,
dum1, UPCCase, SVSize, SVDescription, SVItemCd, dum2, dum3, dum4, dum5,
SVSell, dum6, SVPack, ConvFact, Factor, dum7, dum8, dum9, dum10, dum11,
dum12, SVPltQty, SVStatus FROM Results WHERE id <= " & incre & ";",
adjustment to. I don't want to include any items where the ClientCode is
equal to NO MATCH. How do I change this code to reflect that?
Set tempT = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT Branch, ClientCode, WhsCode,
dum1, UPCCase, SVSize, SVDescription, SVItemCd, dum2, dum3, dum4, dum5,
SVSell, dum6, SVPack, ConvFact, Factor, dum7, dum8, dum9, dum10, dum11,
dum12, SVPltQty, SVStatus FROM Results WHERE id <= " & incre & ";",