Don't know how to copy contents of a disc with a party on it.



I was sent a disc that was the result of a fundraising project that my
brothers were deeply involved in. Since I grew up where it was held, they
thought that I would like to have a copy knowing almost everyone. I have an
elderly aunt whose husband, mother-in-law, sister-in-law, etc. (all passed
away many years ago) have pictures on the disc. i want to copy the disc so
that I can send the copy to her. I don't have any idea how to begin other
than I assume that I need to copy the disc from "D" to "C" then copy the file
on "C" back to "D" to a blank disc. Assuming that is correct, I don't know
how to do any of that. Can someone help?

Alan Edwards

I assume this has nothing to do with Office, so I suggest you post to
a newsgroup concerning your operating system. (whatever that may be)


Tom Willett

That is not a function of Microsoft Office. You should ask in a hardware or
O/S newsgroup.

:I was sent a disc that was the result of a fundraising project that my
: brothers were deeply involved in. Since I grew up where it was held, they
: thought that I would like to have a copy knowing almost everyone. I have
: elderly aunt whose husband, mother-in-law, sister-in-law, etc. (all passed
: away many years ago) have pictures on the disc. i want to copy the disc
: that I can send the copy to her. I don't have any idea how to begin other
: than I assume that I need to copy the disc from "D" to "C" then copy the
: on "C" back to "D" to a blank disc. Assuming that is correct, I don't
: how to do any of that. Can someone help?
: --
: d&d

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