I'm sure this makes sense to you, but I'm still fuzzy.
How does XL know what "sheet where the item is being sent" or "wheret he
item is coming from"?
For instance, if the item is in column A, quantity in column B, the
"from" in column C, and the "to" in column D, one way would be to put
this in the worksheet code module (right-click on the worksheet tab and
choose View Code):
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range)
With Target
If .Count > 1 The Exit Sub
If .Column = 2 Then
With Sheets(.Offset(0, 1)).Range(.Address)
.Value = .Value - Target.Value
End With
With Sheets(.Offset(0, 2)).Range(.Address)
.Value = .Value + Target.Value
End With
End If
End With
End Sub
But there are a lot of other factors: Are you sure you want this to
happen automatically? There's no history, so any mistakes will be
difficult to reverse.
This assumes that the entry should be made in column 2 of the from and
to sheets.
This will fire every time the quantity changes, so the from and to have
to be filled in first - is that acceptable?
What should happen if the from or to is misentered?