Don't want #value in cell


Wanna Learn

Hello this is my formula =IF(Q3-P3=0,"",Q3-P3) There are not always
numbers in columns Q and P . so when P and Q are blank with this formula I
get an answer of #value! . How can I correct the formula so that if P and Q
are blank my answer should also be a blank cell thanks so much

Kevin B

Try using ISERROR() to work around the #VALUE

=IF(ISERROR(IF(Q3-P3=0,"",Q3-P3) ),"", IF(Q3-P3=0,"",Q3-P3) )

Generically speaking it's

IF(ISERROR(Your formula goes here),Do something here,your formula goes here)

Wanna Learn

Thank You Kevin PERFECT!

Kevin B said:
Try using ISERROR() to work around the #VALUE

=IF(ISERROR(IF(Q3-P3=0,"",Q3-P3) ),"", IF(Q3-P3=0,"",Q3-P3) )

Generically speaking it's

IF(ISERROR(Your formula goes here),Do something here,your formula goes here)

Bernie Deitrick

Check for the error and return the blank if it is an error:


MS Excel MVP

David Biddulph

If P and Q are blank, you'll get a blank answer, not #VALUE!, so I guess
that in your case P and/or Q aren't actually blank but have perhaps spaces
or other non-printing characters. Other contributors have given ideas as to
how to address the problem.

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