Double-Byte Characters



I need to import and export Japanese DBCS files in MS Access for data
manipulation. User inteface is finein English.

1) Is this possible?
2) If so, will I need to install the multi-lingual package.

Thanks much.

John Nurick

Hi Nancy,

I don't know for sure, but as I understand it:

-(a) if you're using Access 2000 or later, (b) the Japanese files are
encoded in UTF16 and (c) your system has a Unicode font that includes
Japanese characters, all you need do is use that font. That should let
you display and manipulate the data, but data entry won't be possible
(or rather won't be easy).

-if the Japanese files are in another 2-byte encoding, I think you'll
need to have Windows's "East Asian" language files installed (in Control
Panel|Regional Settings|Languages), and Japanese enabled for text
services and input languages. I think this will include the common
Japanese encodings in the Code Page dropdown in the Advanced dialog in
the the text import/export wizard), and also install a suitable font. It
should also make it possible to enter Japanese text, if you know how
(which I don't<g>).

Hope this helps.


Thank you; very helpful. The purpose of this database is to eliminate
duplicate records in mailing databases. Please correct me if I am wrong, but
running comparing and deleting data after it has been imported seems very
possible? Sounds like we'll need to do it blindly though....

At the moment still waiting for the test files.

Thanks Again, Nancy

John Nurick

If you're only interested in exact matches then you don't need to
understand the data in order to de-dupe it. I expect you could import it
as Unicode, assign any font you like to the controls even though all the
Japanese characters showed up as square boxes, run the de-duping queries
and export back to the original format.

But de-duping mailing databases always involves detecting approximate
matches, even in countries with standardised address formats. I'm no
expert but have the impression that Japanese addresses aren't
standardised and that it's even possible to have the same address
written in either Kanji or Kana. Good luck!

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