Double-click to Enlarge Photos



I used to use Yahoo! SiteBuilder to create my website, but when I moved from
Yahoo! hosting I had to change programs.

One of the things I really liked about SiteBuilder was the fact that you
could double-click on any image and get a window with the photo full-size.
Is there a way I can do this with FrontPage?

I don't want all my original photos to be the same size, so I'm not sure
that thumbnails are the way to go, but maybe I just don't understand how to
use them.

Steve Easton

Yes, it's called a Photo Gallery.

Steve Easton
Microsoft MVP FrontPage
This site is best viewed............
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Wally S

You can also do it with a single click. Put the big photo on a page of its
own. Then make the thumbnail a link to the page with the big photo.

Wally S

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