It doesn't appear to be a range *object* as it didn't work (excuse my
This worked though...
Worksheets("Roster").PageSetup.PrintArea = rngWeekNum
Here's the code (don't laugh, now!):
Dim rngWeekNum As String
' concat the string "Week_" with the number in the indicated cell
' returns Week_n, e.g. Week_1, Week_2
rngWeekNum = "Week_" & Worksheets("Roster").Cells(2, 17)
' sets the print area to Week_n - a predefined Range
Worksheets("Roster").PageSetup.PrintArea = rngWeekNum
' Preview the print or comment-out and
' uncomment the line that follows to print directly
' print command extracted by recording a macro
'ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.PrintOut Copies:=1, Collate:=True
I'm going to try to extract the Range name directly from a combobox using
the helpful replies i've received elsewhere in this forum. But for now,
that'll do nicely. Thanks for your help, Frank.