Double_Click Control Event firing too soon, why?



I have a Access 2002 DB with a tabbed form. On one of the tabs there are 2
unbound subforms (AuthsSub, PlanSub). Both subforms display in Datasheet
view. Both link to the Parent form by a common ID field (AbsID). All the
underlying tables are ODBC-linked SQL tables. Users use these 2 forms pretty
much simultaneously. This combination has been in production for years with
no reported problems.

The date fields on both subforms have Dbl-Click events which launch
frmCalendar allowing users select a “correct†date.

What is happening is the user will finish selecting or entering data in the
AuthsSub (any field) then directly single-click one of the date fields in the
PlanSub . This immediately fires the Double-Click event for that date
control on the PlanSub before the AuthsSub form_Before and AfterUpdate Events
fire. In certain situations this is causing data integrity issues.

Best I can tell the final click in the PlanSub along with the click in the
AuthsSub is being interpreted by Access as a double-click in the PlanSub Date
field Control?

Has anyone experienced this and have a solution which allows the proper
updating of the first form before the Field Control event on another form

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