you might try something like this
Private Sub ShowSelectedObjectDataRecord(visShape As Visio.Shape)
' this piece of code handles selecting an object and then if it
' is linked to a data recordset, open the external data window and
' select the recordset and record appropriate to the object
Dim alngDataRecordsetIDs() As Long
Dim lngRowId As Long
Dim lngRecordSetId As Long
Dim winExternalData As Visio.Window
Dim visDataRecordset As Visio.DataRecordset
Dim intX As Integer
' get the list of recordset ids associated if any
visShape.GetLinkedDataRecordsetIDs alngDataRecordsetIDs
If UBound(alngDataRecordsetIDs) <> -1 Then
' take the first recordset id
lngRecordSetId = alngDataRecordsetIDs(0)
' get the associate row id
lngRowId = visShape.GetLinkedDataRow(lngRecordSetId)
Set winExternalData =
' show the external data window
winExternalData.Visible = True
' set the linked row
Set visDataRecordset =
winExternalData.SelectedDataRecordset = visDataRecordset
winExternalData.SelectedDataRowID = lngRowId
End If ' test for number of recorsetids associated
End Sub