Doubt Ms word document



I have a document of 130 pages , I want to set a link on
each pages's bottom to go to the first page . I hope we
can do that , I don't know to do that, Please some one let
me know.
Thank you


Hi, Kani.

You can use the hyperlink facility, (on the toolbar Insert/Hyperlink) but
there already is a link to take you back to page 1. The bottom of the scroll
bar shows a double, upward pointing arrow. Click this and you are taken to
the start of the document.

Using the hyperlink facility is a bit messy unless you design the document
aound it. Only the bookmark will work inside the Header or Footer, the
hyperlink will not. This means the hyperlink will have to be placed in the
body of the document and with 130 pages, that is a laboriously long job.


Michael Bednarek

I have a document of 130 pages , I want to set a link on
each pages's bottom to go to the first page . I hope we
can do that , I don't know to do that, Please some one let
me know.

You can include a hyperlink which points to the top of the document in
the footer (Insert Hyperlink.../Place in This Document), but
unfortunately it will only execute if you double-click the footer first
- suboptimal.

What's wrong with the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Home?

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