Douglas Steele, Arvin Meyer, Tony Toews, John Spencer, Duane Hookum, Allen Browne, etc


M Skabialka

Which access groups are you major gurus, who answer all the difficult
questions here, going to be helping with your expertise once these microsoft
groups go away next week? All I have found so far for Access is
msdn.en-US.accessdev, but haven't seem you posting there...

You have all given us so much great advice, either directly or indirectly
though these microsoft.public.access.xxxx groups, and would like to follow
you wherever your expertise leads you.

Thanks, O Great Ones!

John Spencer

I don't know at this point.

I am still ticked off at the change. I will find a new home someplace. Not
for Microsoft's benefit, but for the benefit of the people that need help. I
enjoy helping and feel especially good when someone posts back with a thank
you message.

I've used NNTP via Thunderbird for the simple reason that it is efficient for
me to scan through a large number of posts quickly. Most of the web-based
sites slow me down considerably and I find more complex to use.

John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007-2010
The Hilltop Institute
University of Maryland Baltimore County

Brian Smith

M Skabialka said:
Which access groups are you major gurus, who answer all the difficult
questions here, going to be helping with your expertise once these
microsoft groups go away next week? All I have found so far for Access is
msdn.en-US.accessdev, but haven't seem you posting there...

You have all given us so much great advice, either directly or indirectly
though these microsoft.public.access.xxxx groups, and would like to follow
you wherever your expertise leads you.

Thanks, O Great Ones!

These groups are disappearing?! That sucks big time. Where is this
announcement posted?


Tony Toews [MVP]

M Skabialka said:
Which access groups are you major gurus, who answer all the difficult
questions here, going to be helping with your expertise once these microsoft
groups go away next week? All I have found so far for Access is
msdn.en-US.accessdev, but haven't seem you posting there...

Well, there is the Answers forum at

Now I'm rather irritated at being lumped in with other products. I
would think the volumes of Access traffic at least warrant our own
forum. I'd vastly prefer about six or eight. But no word yet if
this will happen.
You have all given us so much great advice, either directly or indirectly
though these microsoft.public.access.xxxx groups, and would like to follow
you wherever your expertise leads you.

Note that I will continue to monitor this newsgroup from non MS
newsgroup servers. However traffic will be substantially less as
folks won't be using the MS Online portal to ask questions. Also
I'll be monitoring

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
Tony's Main MS Access pages -
Tony's Microsoft Access Blog -
For a convenient utility to keep your users FEs and other files
updated see
Granite Fleet Manager

Tony Toews [MVP]

Brian Smith said:
These groups are disappearing?! That sucks big time. Where is this
announcement posted?

Go back a ways in the postings and see the topic misleadingly titled
"Reminder - Microsoft Responds to the Evolution of Community"

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
Tony's Main MS Access pages -
Tony's Microsoft Access Blog -
For a convenient utility to keep your users FEs and other files
updated see
Granite Fleet Manager

David W. Fenton

Which access groups are you major gurus, who answer all the
difficult questions here, going to be helping with your expertise
once these microsoft groups go away next week?

They aren't going to go away. Only MS's news server is going to go
away, and I don't use it.

David W. Fenton

These groups are disappearing?! That sucks big time. Where is this
announcement posted?

Nothing is disappearing, but MS would like you to believe that it

MS has repeatedly posted about this in all the ms.public newsgroups.

Tony Toews [MVP]

David W. Fenton said:
They aren't going to go away. Only MS's news server is going to go
away, and I don't use it.

But traffic will be down a lot, maybe as much as 90%, as many folks
use the online forums to ask questions.

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
Tony's Main MS Access pages -
Tony's Microsoft Access Blog -
For a convenient utility to keep your users FEs and other files
updated see
Granite Fleet Manager


Newsgroups work because News Servers connect to
each other. When the MS News Servers disappear,
microsoft.public.access will splinter into a bunch of
independent newsgroups, with only a few people on

Unless the ISPs start offering free news groups to each
other, they will have to pay to maintain the community.

Alternatively, one organisation could be the centre for
microsoft.public.access. Putting aside the fact that
ISPs are dropping support for NewsGroups, what is
the likelihood that an ISP would want to connect to a
different server for every different microsoft news group?

Alternatively, one organisation could be the free centre
for all microsoft newsgroups, and the ISPs could all
connect. What is the possibility that Microsoft would be
willing to overlook an organisation posing as

The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold.


microsoft.public.access is retained

Arvin Meyer [MVP]

I will keep up as best I can on alternate servers. I intend to also post at:

and possibly on the forums as well. I find forums difficult with the time
constraints that I have so my answers may be down significantly.

I operate 3 websites (in my SIG) and Doug Steele and I are writing a book
which will contain lots of helpful code.

I am also President of the Computer Society of Central Florida, and lead 3
special interest groups (SIGs) there as well, including 1 on Access. If you
live in the Orlando area, feel free to drop in. Information is at the
Society's website:
Arvin Meyer, MCP, MVP
Co-author: "Access 2010 Solutions", published by Wiley

David W. Fenton

But traffic will be down a lot, maybe as much as 90%, as many
folks use the online forums to ask questions.

We'll see!

The question was about the "gurus," though, and I think most of
those hate the online discussion forums, so use direct NNTP. That
means they'll still be posting, I suspect.


I'm bummed... since I've got this part-time Access dev job for the past
couple of years, I've made many great apps that make life easier for so many
in our org, and it's due to this site and the many MVPs and others that have
supported this site. When I needed help making something work, I came
here... when I wanted to just browse items to learn more, I came here...
when I've exhausted all my brain cells and needed some ideas or answers, I
came here... There is so much great info here that I got lazy and made this
my first 'GO TO' place when I design apps...
I just hope there's a site I can get to (that I can access from DoD sources)
that has this great group of people, silmilar knowledge base, and
organization. Thank you all.


you have a link or ref that tells about this group going away? I'm here
about every day...


I knew this was going to happen, but I didn't know it was SOOOOOOOOOO soon!
I sort of thought it was months down the line and I didn't think to ask.
What are we all going to do without you guys all in one place? I will look
up NNTP and Thunderbird, but haven't heard of either. I am absolutely


Yes, strikes again. First they told us this
group would close some time before October, then they told us
which (other) groups would close June 1, but not this one, then
they "reminded" us that this group was going to close June 1
after all, but not the other ones which will close later. Faaah.
