Downgrade Enterprise 2007 to Professional 2007



I have to remove Enterprise 2007 from my PC and return the disc to my, soon
to be, ex employer!

I don't want to lose all of my personal files and settings and I have bought
Professional 2007. Should I install this over Enterprise as an upgrade or
completely remove Enterprise first?

Bob I

You should have backup copies of important documents. Uninstall the old,
install the new, data files should remain intact. Murphy may say otherwise.

JoAnn Paules

You won't lose your files but you'll have to back up your settings because
you want to remove Enterprise first.
(I'd love to help you with how to do that but I'm not the best one to do
that. I know if you search the archives of this group or the web in general,
you'll find how to do that.)

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