Neal Garvin
Per the July 2003 Microsoft Product Use Rights under:
Microsoft Applications
I. General License Grant
A. General
1. Installation and use.
For each license acquired, you may: (a) install and use a
copy of the Software, any component product of the
Software, and any prior version of the Software, on one
personal computer or other device; and....
This seems clear to me. I can install Office 2000 Pro AND
Access 97 on the same machine using a single license of
Office 2000 Pro.
However, our reseller contacted Microsoft to verify this
and Microsoft came back saying we needed to purchase a
second license to allow legal installation of the for
downgraded Access 97 on the same machine.
This does not agree with my interpretation of the Product
Use Rights which seem perfectly clear to me as Access is a
component of the Office Pro. What I need is Microsoft's
interpretation. Anyone had this issue?
Microsoft Applications
I. General License Grant
A. General
1. Installation and use.
For each license acquired, you may: (a) install and use a
copy of the Software, any component product of the
Software, and any prior version of the Software, on one
personal computer or other device; and....
This seems clear to me. I can install Office 2000 Pro AND
Access 97 on the same machine using a single license of
Office 2000 Pro.
However, our reseller contacted Microsoft to verify this
and Microsoft came back saying we needed to purchase a
second license to allow legal installation of the for
downgraded Access 97 on the same machine.
This does not agree with my interpretation of the Product
Use Rights which seem perfectly clear to me as Access is a
component of the Office Pro. What I need is Microsoft's
interpretation. Anyone had this issue?