Download for Office 2000 Professional for Windows 2000



I loged onto and did the updates of Office 2000. It said all was successful. I updated the Windows 2000 for critical and non-critical updates. When I go into Word, I type "Dear Client:" then hit enter - the computer starts loading the Help wizard, it gets half way loaded to say something and the computer locks up. Is there another download somewhere that I need to do?


I know this sounds stupid , but did you check in the Help Wizard?
To Access the Help Wizard, go into Word, type "Dear Client:" then hit enter.

Tivie said:
I loged onto and did the updates of Office 2000. It
said all was successful. I updated the Windows 2000 for critical and
non-critical updates. When I go into Word, I type "Dear Client:" then hit
enter - the computer starts loading the Help wizard, it gets half way loaded
to say something and the computer locks up. Is there another download
somewhere that I need to do?

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