download Office 2003 portuguese spelling checker and thesaurus


Luis Minchola

Sir: i can not find the download Office 2003 portuguese spelling checker and
thesaurus, because i need that, for my work.

Atte Luis Minchola Brazil Rio de Janeiro

Aaron Rykhus [MSFT]

You'll need to purchase an Office multilingual user interface (MUI) pack
for Portuguese. You can only download the updates for the multilingual
interface packs (MUI).

Since most places are now exclusively carrying Office 2007 it may be
difficult to find a place that still carries an Office 2003 MUI. You could
check out for information on purchasing
and a list of resellers as well as an toll free number to call with

Best Regards,

Aaron Rykhus, MCP, MCDST
Online Support Engineer
Microsoft Corporation

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