download office xp 2002



i spilled wine on my laptop - had to reinstall everything on a different
laptop, I'm a novice, I can't find the main disc for office xp professional
2002, i have the second disc the code everything else, the box etc. Is there
a place to download office 2002 so i can reactivate it?

it's been a tough computer day, please help


No you can't legally download Office 2002/XP from anywhere. If you didn't make
the backup copies of your CDs then tough luck because Microsoft does not support
old applications anymore.

Sorry about this news.

Earle Horton

No. Install a trial version of Outlook 2007, run it, then import the
messages into Outlook Express. If you have the Product Key for 2002, then
you can legally borrow someone else's install disk. That means of course
you have to find someone willing to lend it.


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