downloaded a pic from net, and cant open, why?



i have downloaded several pictures from the internet, but cant seem to open
them, it says either invalid format, or no camera properties, they should
open because where i download them from, they are there to be downloaded, can
anyone please help a stupid woman who is tearing her hair out please?


k8rry said:
i have downloaded several pictures from the internet, but cant seem to open
them, it says either invalid format, or no camera properties, they should
open because where i download them from, they are there to be downloaded,
anyone please help a stupid woman who is tearing her hair out please?

Depending on the picture format you may require an additional application or
plug-in; but that's just a guess since you don't say what the file type is
(there a hundreds of possable picture file formats), or what you are trying
to view them with.

John Ski

Subject: downloaded a pic from net, and cant open, why?
From: "=?Utf-8?B?azhycnk=?=" (e-mail address removed)
Date: 10/29/2004 8:15 AM Eastern Daylight Time
Message-id: <[email protected]>

i have downloaded several pictures from the internet, but cant seem to open
them, it says either invalid format, or no camera properties, they should
open because where i download them from, they are there to be downloaded, can

anyone please help a stupid woman who is tearing her hair out please?
Try one of several good, free image display programs. Irfanview and XnView are
very nice. You can Google for the URLs.

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic"
***Arthur C. Clarke***

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