Downloading Asset Tracking Database



Hi~ I am having trouble downloading the Access 2003 Asset Tracking Database;
I am getting the following error message: "...missing or broken reference to
file 'DA0350.DLL' version 5.0" Any ideas? Thank you!

Douglas J. Steele

Where are you trying to download that from? DAO350.dll is part of Access 97,
so something sounds wrong.


When I go to this link:
and click download Asset Tracking Database, it goes through the download
process, then access opens and my "office" assistant in the top right corner,
gives me the following error message... "...missing or broken reference to
file 'DA0350.DLL' version 5.0" I am typing it exactly as it reads. I've done
it several times and it will not open or download.


I see that
is 5 for dao3.6, and 4 for dao3.5

look in Program Files\common files\microsoft shared\dao
for dao360.dll

use regsvr32 to register dao360.dll

(right click on dao360.dll and choose Open With. Browse to Regsvr32 in


Arvin Meyer [MVP]

Hi Julie,

I just tried by clicking on your link below. It first complained that I did
not have Access 2003 (this computer doesn't) but allowed me to download it
anyway using the button below to download it manually. I then used WinZip
9.0 to extract it to the same folder and open it. I then checked file type
(it was Access 2002) and the references. There was 1 DAO reference, that was
to DAO360.dll.

Obviously you have a problem, but I don't think it's with the file itself.
Check which version of Access you have and where DAO360.dll resides. The
path should be:

C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\DAO\DAO360.dll

unless you have Windows installed to a different drive. If it is there, try
re-registering it by doing Start ... Run, then typing:

regsvr32.exe "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\DAO\DAO360.dll"

just as you see it above (again assuming Windows is on the C:\ drive). You
should get back a message stating that the registration has succeeded.
Arvin Meyer, MCP, MVP
Microsoft Access
Free Access downloads



Thank you so much! This worked!


Arvin Meyer said:
Hi Julie,

I just tried by clicking on your link below. It first complained that I did
not have Access 2003 (this computer doesn't) but allowed me to download it
anyway using the button below to download it manually. I then used WinZip
9.0 to extract it to the same folder and open it. I then checked file type
(it was Access 2002) and the references. There was 1 DAO reference, that was
to DAO360.dll.

Obviously you have a problem, but I don't think it's with the file itself.
Check which version of Access you have and where DAO360.dll resides. The
path should be:

C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\DAO\DAO360.dll

unless you have Windows installed to a different drive. If it is there, try
re-registering it by doing Start ... Run, then typing:

regsvr32.exe "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\DAO\DAO360.dll"

just as you see it above (again assuming Windows is on the C:\ drive). You
should get back a message stating that the registration has succeeded.
Arvin Meyer, MCP, MVP
Microsoft Access
Free Access downloads

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